Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Email of the week - III

Well, make that emails. The third edition of this new feature on my blog consists of folks who've written to me asking for help in publicising their ventures. So this is a 'spread the good word' edition.

Hi Rashmi,

I am regular reader of your blog though never put in any comments. I represent a theater group Based in Bangalore called Version One Dot Oh!, a theatre group from Bangalore in short VODO. Our group consists of young professionals and students from different backgrounds. You can check out our blog @ http:

So far we have done over 18 productions. We are traveling to Mumbai during the week of Feb 7-11 2007, performing two plays, "Shadows in the Dark" at the Mysore Association, Matunga and the other one "When the python's followed the Actor..." at Rang Sharada in Bandra.

Thanks in advance!!!


Vijay Kumar Yenne
Production Manager
Version One Dot Oh!, Bangalore

My comment: Sounds interesting. Maybe some of you would like to attend the shows. If you do, I'd love to have a review to publish in JAM!

Here are a couple of other requests:

I am the admin at fansite for Actor Siddharth of Rang De Basanti fame, we (a bunch of Engg. students) have started the site a few months back.

I would be pleased if you can link to the website somehow... thnks in advance


My comment: Didn't know Siddharth is an MBA from S P Jain. Hmmm!

Lastly, Rajat Samanta from Army Institute of Management, Kolkata wanted to let junta know about the 'Indian B school Blog Hunt' at their annual fest Inferno.

You can submit a new Blog or add comments to existing ones over here

Will I be so nice week after week? No guarantees. I felt these were interesting bits of info... but I don't promise to put up any and all emails so please don't flood me with 'link to my blog' requests!

Have a nice day. Or night. Or whatever, depending on timezone.

So this time's emails are boring, huh? Well, folks that's the way life is. Public service is boring. That's why there's so little space in the media for it :)

But hey, this does expose the hypocrisy out there. When I critiqued an email I was exhorted to 'be positive'... What about being positive about 'being positive'?

Lastly, the number of negative comments posted on this blog far far exceed the positive ones. Not that I take it personally. But it's time some of you apply the principles you claim to believe in, before throwing e-pebbles at others!

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