Sunday, February 18, 2007

Part time/ distance MBA feedback

If you have attended a part time or distance MBA program anytime in the last 3 years, please get in touch. I'm looking for people who've done programs like:

- VSAT aided courses offered by institutes like IIM Kozhikode, IIM Calcutta, XLRI and IIFT.

- 3 year Executive MBAs like at IIM Indore, XIM B and XLRI which require periodic campus visits

- IIM Bangalore's 3-year PGP SEM

- Part time programs at Bajaj, SP Jain, MDI, IIFT etc

- Pure distance learning - Symbiosis, ICFAI etc

This is just an indicative - not an exhaustive list. What I mean is ANY program which falls outside the 2 year full time MBA or the 1 year full time MBA.

What I want to know from you is 3 things:
- Were you satisfied with your course?

- Did you see your career prospects improve after course completion? If so, do you directly attribute it to your MBA?

- Any regrets about not doing a full time MBA?

Current students could also write in with their feedback on points 1 and 3. I would be especially keen to hear from anyone enrolled in 'NIIT Imperia' - programs being conducted in conjunction with IIM A, C since this academic year.

Any views / opinions on the part time vs full time debate are also most welcome.

The reason I'm asking this is I get at least 1 email a day about the 'right' part time program. Mostly emanating from this article I wrote two years ago. I'm now working on an update.

Email with your name, course, feedback and contact nos. Thanks!

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