It is really really hot in Mumbai now.
And the summer has just begun.
Summer - in times gone by - meant a month in Simla or Ooty, if you happened to be from a genteel family. Or a month eating mangoes and playing with cousins, if you were the middle class type.
Now, 6 nights and 7 day trips are about the max the genteel types can afford at a hillstation. Not just in terms of money but the fact that dad/ mom may not be able to get away from the job/ business for any longer.
And, even while on vacation there are many who continue to check email or receive work related calls. Instead of concentrating on having fun and de-stressing!
Of course, if you are a student - that's not quite your problem yet...
Kya karen
I know, you are already half bored to death. A two month vacation is a rare and precious luxury. But one that even the modern young person is not quite sure how to enjoy.
Many of you will take up summer jobs, rather than 'sit at home'. Summer jobs used to be market research, fast food counters or salesgirl gigs. Now, the first choice is usually a BPO.
Of course, many who join just for summer, have to swear in the interview that they're serious about pursuing BPO as a 'career'. And HR managers who should know better, choose to believe them.
While BPO is a great place to earn some serious pocket money, there's also a small segment which has to do a summer job as part of course work. These are students of BMM (Bachelor of Mass Media) and BMS (Bachelor of Management Studies).
The most preferred place to work for this lot is an ad agency. And here the case is reverse - there is far more demand for 'jobs' than supply. So contacts have to be used - and usually the student ends up working for a pittance, or even free.
So, there are both sides of the working spectrum!
But seriously, don't discount the 'sitting at home' option.
Not doing anything is hard work.
An ancient art we just might need a refresher course in.