Did you know that 90% of cybercafe clients visit porn sites.
And, that 50% of them are minors?
That's what the Asian Age reported (issue dt April 18), quoting a survey conducted by media consultant N Ravindran which covered 65 cybercafes in Mumbai.
"Of the 350 students we interviewed, most were students between the age of 9-14."
Apparently the younger kids come in groups while those above 15 prefer to watch porn by themselves. Cybercafe owners turn a blind eye because - well, it's good business!
So much for closure of dance bars.
Girls just don't wanna...
An important point to note is that "only a handful of girls watch porn, compared to boys".
I'm not surprise, because the 'blue film' industry is primarily geared towards men.
I saw my first - and last - blue film when I was in hostel. Out of curosity, the girls all pooled in and rented a TV and VCR. And a couple of 'those' films.
What we couldn't understand is how anyone could get turned on by the stunts being performed on screen. It was so... comical.
There was no tenderness, no emotion, nothing but bump-and-grind, with XXL size anatomy.
It was the same story when, on a recent trip to Bangkok, I saw one of those 'sex shows'. The women were just performing exercises using their private parts - and props like cola bottles - as if they were circus artists.
I guess I'm too old to be disgusted... just puzzled that people (read men) will pay money (more than once) to watch this freakshow.
Strangely enough, a quote from staid old 'Readers Digest' I read last night hits the nail on the head.
Says Dr Phil (of Oprah fame): "Men fall in love with their eyes. Women fall in love with their ears." The same, I think, is true of lust!