Monday, July 14, 2008

Kung Fu style Career Advice

If a giant panda can become a mighty kung-fu warrior - so could you. Not kung-fu, but whatever. Ballet dancer, arctic explorer or investment banker.

I can already hear you say,"Hey, that happens only in the movies."

Well, yes and no. Here are some definite takeaways from Kung fu Panda, for all those of you struggling with questions of what, where and how to steer your career.

Lesson # 1: If you want something badly enough, you get it somehow.

Po the panda wanted to be a kung-fu warrior really really badly. He followed every kung fu teacher, every battle, every hero there ever was. The chap was a walking Kung Fu Encyclopedia!

And of course, he dreamt about kung fu too.

Ask yourself - do you care something in your life that strongly? If you do - it will be yours one day.

Lesson # 2: It could take a while but you'll get there.

So if you believe Lesson # 1 the question is 'how'? Now sometimes you may get there the straight and easy way. The way to be a kung fu warrior is to train under a great Master, right?

Well, Po got the job another way. He bumbled and tumbled up the mountain and finally literally 'dropped in from the sky'. Master Oogway then pronounced:"He is the one, the great Dragon Warrior". To everybody's surprise!

In real life there aren't enough Oogways who can see a diamond in the coal; a kung fu champion in a blubbering mass of fat.

But how many of you have struggled like the panda to even get to that mountain top where there may be a Master waiting for you?

Lesson # 3: 'A peach tree will blossom into a peach tree. It can't become an apple tree...' - Master Oogway

Why many of us come to grief is we don't know 'who we are'. Are we a peach tree, or a jasmine tree or a cactus? Every one of those is beautiful and useful in its own way. No one is 'superior' to the other.

Yet in life many of us believe that we must all be peach trees. ie MBAs and engineers. The aroma of the jasmine is lost to the world and all we have is peach, peach and more peach (fruity burp!).

Lesson # 4: 'There are no accidents in life...' - Master Shifu

Yup, the fact that you did not make it to IIT or IIM or with that cute chick on the second floor. This was the way it was meant to be.

Think about Steve Jobs being forced to exit his own company in 1985. He went through hell but was forced to think of new ideas, new directions. It led to the creation of Pixar and a whole new kind of animation.

And ultimately, he went back to Apple with iTunes and iPod.

Could he have done all this had he never left Apple? I don't know. But I think greatness is born more out of adversity than in nice hot bathtubs.

Woh Archimedes wala funda bhi theek hai but you can't run naked in the streets anymore. By the time you dress up and get out into the world, you find josh chala gaya.

Lesson # 5: There is no secret ingredient in the secret ingredient soup.

And this is especially relevant at a time when we are all on the quest for the Holy Grail. We believe that joining the right college, the right course or the right company is the secret ingredient which will spice up our soup - our careers, our lives.

The truth is, it's all about what you believe. The moment you join an IIT or an IIM you start believing,"Hey I am really really good". You get the confidence to take on the world, the chutzpah to say,"The world is my oyster".

Clearing these super tough exams is like running a lawnmower through your own mental garden. It crushes the weeds of self doubt and self pity which we've allowed to grow.

Exam or no exam, you can choose to yank out those weeds. Then look the guys who think they know better in the eye and declare,"My soup is as kick-ass as yours."

Lastly, words of wisdom from Master Oogway which apply not just to careers, but any and every walk of life: 'Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery... today is a gift'.

Have you at least undone the wrapping paper of this brand new, beautiful moment? Right here, right now, today??


  1. hi there
    i guess its all true and we know it too but are to lazy to work on it and reading such stuff motivates us atleast for some days thnks for that

  2. Loved your post. Just sent the link to my friends.

  3. Good post but u missed the most imp one..."thr is no charge for awesomeness or attractiveness"-by the big fat Panda

  4. Very very inspiring and solid post, Rashmi -- thanks!

  5. Pingback from Blogbharti: [...] draws some inspiration from the movie, Kung Fu Panda, and advises that we apply the lessons learnt from the movie to not just our careers [...]

  6. Exceptionally good post. Was nearly like a chicken soup for the soul!

  7. very inspiring and so so true!!!!
    bang on

  8. Very Inspirational post...

    I never imagined that someone can ever compare a movie like this... :)

  9. Anonymous1:54 AM

    Very inspiring. You have chosen the right analogy with Steve Jobs. He once said at stanford that you can connect the dots by looking backwards and not forward. Cool!

  10. Amazing post.....

    A Rashmi Bansal post after a long wait... was waiting for something like this since a long time...Finally!!!!

  11. About steve jobbs: He was kicked out of his own company for a reason. This doesn't quite fit into the article but i just thought i'd let some guys kno this coz ppl look at him like a hero, and ignore his bad side which pretty much is the bigger side.

    he got kicked out coz he was a total ass. he made his teams fight amongst themselves. he was crude, a horrible manager, mannerless to the extent that he would walk in meetings with torn shorts and barefeet. who wouldn't kick such a guy out? thats not the only thing.. there were many reasons.

    even today, his way of conducting business isn't exactly the best.

    selling ipod 1.0 and making ppl buy the 2.0 upgrade. then selling the 2.0 upgrade with a brand new ipod and still making them buy another 2.0 upgrade. damn cheap if you ask me.

    he lost to bill gates a long time ago, not just coz gates tricked him, just coz he was an egoistic idiot, nothing much.

  12. Nice post! Very inspiring! And it came after a long time. KEEP WRITING!

  13. Hello Maam,

    I have been following your blog for the last 2 years. This article is excellent. And the analogy is mindblowing.


  14. Your lesson#1 and lesson#2 contradict lesson#3. Lesson#3 is about knowing what you are and not trying to be something else (even though you dream of something-else and are ready to wait a long time working towards something-else)..

    The problem is 'knowing what you really are' is a very tough job.

  15. You missed out a bit of what Master Oogway actually says..

    'Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery... today is a gift. That's why its called present'


    I love puns :P

  16. So true and inspiring...I skipped this movie, will check it out soon ;-)
    Added ur blog to my list

  17. Rashmi,

    You forgot to mention Oogway's masterpiece of a dialog.

    "One often meets their destiny on the path they take to avoid it"

    Full paisa vasool. If there was any purple and yellow in the movie, I'd have whistled to this piece like a fan at a cheap Govinda / David The-One movie.

  18. Very very inspiring and motivational post, Madam -- thanks!

    Also this can be one of the takwaways from the movie:

    Finally, last but not the least, believe in yourself (and do the work yourself and with your team)!!!



    p.s. I recently watched this movie with my daughter and we enjoyed it

  19. :)

    That's a great message, and a message I believe in. And being an IITian myself, I must tell you that getting into IIT and getting through IIT are two different experiences, each equally harassing.

    But what they teach is what you've written down: that everything lies within ourselves. It's all a matter of how much we really want it. Are we ready to sacrifice to get it?

  20. Anonymous7:44 AM

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