Thursday, July 17, 2008

Are you giving CAT this year?

If yes, I would like to hear from you with the following details:

a) Is this yr first attempt?
b) How much are you scoring right now in different sections
c) How much more is this from when your started
d) What is yr daily study schedule like?
e) What classes, if any, have you joined
f) Have u joined different classes for material and Mock CATs?
g) What your strategy is going to be to improve over next 3 months
h) What bschools are you aiming for?
i) Which bschools do you think you will get?
j) How many bschools do you plan to apply for in all (approx no)?
k) What is your educational background
l) Are you working or studying?
m) Anyhing else you'd like to share

And of course, your name, city of residence and contact details. You can mail me at rashmi_b at

Kyun chahiye?
Well, rest assured it's for the greatest common good. All will be revealed in due time, trust me.

Break over. Kindly hit the books!

On a separate note, I am also looking for an MBA (Systems) to interview. This is for the Cracking Careers show on UTVi.

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