Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Five Point Girlfriend

An IIT grad wanting to come back to India after working in Europe for 1.5 years in supply change management pings me on messenger.

"Know of any good jobs?" he asks.

"Er, when I hear words like supply chain management my eyes typically glaze over", I respond. "But why do you want to come back anyways?"

He gives the usual spiel about India being 'hot' and then adds, "Actually my girlfriend is in Mumbai."

"IITian with girlfriend... rare species!" I remark.

"The trend is changing," he declares,"Most IITians have girlfriends now..." He gives the example of IIT Kharagpur, where students commonly have girlfriends in Kolkata.

"Hmm... interesting. But what do these girls see in IITians?" I ask.

"Sense of humour," he says.

Or nice, stable boys who will get jobs in Supply Chain Management and make good husbands someday, I think.

Tell me, dear readers, which of the two it is :) And are IITians really inhabiting Girlfriendville right now, or only in their imagination?

I am counting on that famous 'sense of humour' in IITians who choose to respond... The others, I guess, will stay single till Mummy finds someone.

P.S. If anyone does know of an interesting opening for a Supply Chain Management professional in India - drop me a line at rashmi_b at and I'll put you in touch with Young Man Mentioned Above.

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