To all the wonderful people who read this blog, my sincere and heartfelt "thank you" to you all.
You circulated the JAM Engineering College survey.
You contributed articles and advice.
You made it happen.
Putting this book together really was a mammoth task. And that's why it got delayed. The point was to produce something which would be of real and lasting value, instead of rushing out with a half-baked product just to catch the admissions season.
So we waited, worked and came out with it in 2008.
Any of you who may like to buy the book can do so at a 15% discount from the JAM website. The book is also available at bookshops across India, distibuted by IBD. Must admit I was pretty excited to see it stocked on the shelves of 'Landmark'.
(If you happen to see it at a bookshop near you, could you snap a pic and mail me? Just, first-time book publisher enthu :)
Secondly, if you would like to help in any way, to market this book in your town, do get in touch. You would earn attractive commissions.
Lastly, I have 10 books to give away to bloggers/ media types. All you have to do is review the book. And of course, feel free to praise or pan it - as you deem fit. You can get a sneak peek into the contents and some sample articles here.
I know we have given it our best but there is always scope for improvement. We see this as the 'Lonely Planet' equivalent of the education world and this is the first of a series. As always, I will invite you to participate in the onward journey.
P.S. Those who contributed articles will receive the book from our side shortly. Those who wish to review the book please drop me a mail at rashmi_b at