Thanks to all those of you who posted comments and the few who mailed me directly with your views/ experiences/ information on placement salaries.
I will compile the feedback and also various facts I have dug up shortly. But meanwhile I'd like to speak to some graduates from lesser known bschools who are offered CTCs which include a lot of variable (ie commission on sales) kind of pay. One of the companies whose names keeps coming up in this context is Indiabulls.
I'd also like anyone at all who is willing to speak on this MBA salary circus ON THE RECORD to drop me a line. Because there is no story without a name and face to it.
Am not asking you to 'rat' on your institute but discuss the general scenario and/ or your specific experience on camera. In order to educate and enlighten the MBA wannabe and their parents. Hai koi mai ka laal?
As always, drop me a line at