Friday, October 14, 2005

Life after 10/10

I hesitate as I write this, my first regular blog post in 6 days. It used to be so easy. Ideas danced in my head. Words took form without much effort. Fingers flew on the keyboard.

190 posts, over 100,000 words worth of thought and feeling were expressed through this space in the last 8 months.

And now, I hesitate. Because innocence is lost.Because my space is no longer my own.

Now, there are gawkers and stalkers. Waiting to seize on what I write next. Which completely drains away the pleasure of writing. The reason I blog in the first place.

Can the old feeling be recaptured? Maybe, in time. Maybe, never wholly or in complete measure.

Like a post 9-11 New York, the post 10-10 blogosphere is changed, forever. For better or worse, only time will tell.

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