There is one thing to be said about the readers of - they are very vocal with their opinions. I've been doing a column for the site -mostly on careers - over the last one year and received some terrific feedback.
By terrific I don't just mean "great! we love what you wrote!!" - that is, of course always welcome :). But I have also received critical feedback and differing points of view, which have been valuable in their own way.
But this is the strangest email I have received- ever. It came in response to my piece 'The Truth about Sex' (adapted from my blogpost 'The One Thing' ). Here's how it goes...
Your article is disgusting and I must say that it's written in a bad taste just to get some cheap publicity which is not warranted from an IIM alumnus. Today for the first time I'm feeling ashamed of this association.
Following are some quotable quotes from your article and they only go to prove your poor (and sick), biased thinking. I seriously suggest you to get out of the business of writing. It already has done more harm than good for you.
"Boys want only one thing... be careful"
"God -- whichever one you believe in -- created a virus in the image of man. And woman. Now the trick to spreading the virus quickly and effectively was to have it replicate on its own. So He invented sex."
"Yes, I will refer to God as 'He' because I think our Creator must have been a guy. Had it been a woman, She certainly would've given us periods annually -- not every month!"
"As an added safety feature, God gave man a reproductive organ with a mind of its own. One that did not always and necessarily obey the commands from the High Command."
"Men consistently get erections in the presence of naked women and want to have sex."
I don't know whether you've drawn inspiration from certain Ms. S D to be in the limelight but plz for the God's sake stop pouring this filth in the public domain. You might've your own views about the world but nowhere in democracy you are entitled to show them blatantly. I pity rediff for putting this.
May God bless you!
******* (name withheld by me)
IIM Lucknow (Class of 2005)
Hmmm. I am more amused than anything else, especially at this statement: You might've your own views about the world but nowhere in democracy you are entitled to show them blatantly.
Maybe I should move to China?