I am typing this from my office. Yup, a few of us are here on Sunday, trying to complete the work that was scheduled for Tue, Wed, Thu and Fri which were washed out.
But would you know, it's raining again. Raining heavily. And moms are calling in advising, "Come home right away!". Junta is a bit tense, although convinced the show must go on.
Unfortunately JAM is not a kirana shop which can be shut for a few days. It is a magazine and it's already running 2 days late. It should have been out on stands yesterday...
The question is who should we be more responsible to - ourselves, or our readers and advertisers? How much rain is too much to function?? How much should cause us to panic and rush home???
The employer and employee will always have different perspectives on these issues. J P Morgan, for example, has called in some of its staff today and booked a hotel next door to ensure they land up for work tomorrow.
We as a small company can't afford to do so.
But either way, the employer thinks he's doing a great service and 'taking care' of his people. While the employee does appreciate that, there is a hidden undercurrent of resentment...
I don't have the answers. When 3 people out of an ediorial strength of 8 are down with fever and other "26th July related illnesses", already the pressure is on the rest of us.
It's not like people who work for me are shirkers - they're extremely hard working and responsible. But there is a fear... And they are mostly young people, barely into their first jobs.
I've promised two moms their kids will reach home safe and dry before this day ends. Let's hope the weather Gods allow me to keep that promise!