Monday, May 25, 2009

IIT JEE - social cauldron bubbling over!

Gopi Sivakanth, who appeared for IIT JEE from the Madras zone, has achieved an All India Rank (AIR) of 3. Sivakanth happens to be an OBC but has cracked the general merit list.

Mukul Singh, AIR 220 in the common merit list and Kirtesh Meena, AIR 281 in the common merit list are the toppers of the SC and ST candidates, respectively.

Gopi's achievement is creditable but I wonder: Will he be considered part of general category or OBC? Obviously he does not need the 'relaxed entry' criteria! But, if he gets in through merit then it would mean one seat less - for non-OBCs.

Reading between the lines of the IIT JEE press note you'll see there is a 44% spike in the number of test takers who are OBCs (from 72,116 in 2008to 104045 in 2009). So from a political angle, reservation can be termed as a 'success'!

Some statistics of interest:

Selection ratio of general candidates: 2.98%
Out of 232331 candidates who appeared 6930 qualified

Selection ratio for OBCs: 1.85%
Out of 104045 OBC candidates who wrote JEE, 1930 qualified.

Selection ratio for SCs: 2.67%
Out of 36117 SC candidates 967 qualified

Selection ratio for STs: 1.66%
Out of 12484 ST candidates 208 qualified

Selection ratio of girls: 1.06%
Out of 98,028 girls who attempted JEE, 1048 qualified

That last statistic is quite depressing - both for educationists and all the boys who have made it to IIT!

P.S. There is a proposal to set up an 'all-girls IIT' in Amravati. No prizes for guessing who it will be named after...

Related reads:

An insightful article on the history and mystery behind IIT JEE

And on JAM:
Topper factory Bansal toppled from top slot this year

Disqus for Youth Curry - Insight on Indian Youth