I am in the process of updating the Engineering Admissions Guide published by JAM last year. And once again, I need your help :)
The guide was a labour of love, made possible by so many of you sharing your experiences and participating in our survey. Although I can't claim it is a 'best seller' I know it has helped a lot of students. And I feel it is my duty to update the content, as every incoming batch needs a credible source of information!
So here's what I'll be doing:
* The ratings remain unchanged (as I don't think colleges move in terms of quality in a single year). A fresh survey will be conducted over the course of this year and published in 2010.
* The cover design is being changed, and any factual errors which crept in will be taken care of :)
* The articles will be refreshed - and here is where I need your inputs.
Much has changed over the last year. The idea that engineering guarantees you a software job no longer holds. Neither is it a passport into other glamorous sectors like i-banking. 'Core' is once again king.
How does this affect the engineering aspirant? I've listed some of the topics on which I would like small articles or inputs from readers of this blog.
From engineers working in the industry:
1) What is a 'core' job? What are the work and growth prospects like.
Inputs wanted from
* Civil
* Chemical
* Mechanical
* Petrochemical
and all other branches
2) Exciting things Indian engineers have done recently:
- produced the Nano car
- built the Delhi metro
- sent Chandrayaan into space
Anyone who has worked with these projects and would like to share the excitement - please do write a small piece to inspire the next generation. Idea is for at least some students to take up engineering out of a sense of passion!
3) How to achieve despite being from a lesser known engineering college.
We all know that only a few can make it to IITs. But the truth is you don't have to be from a brand name college to be 'successful' in life. If you are from a relatively 'unknown' college but doing well in your chosen career, please share your story!
4) Engineers who have become entrepreneurs.
We would love to have some stories - again to open young minds to the various possibilities.
5) 'I am an engineer but my current job/ career has nothing to do with engineering'.
Yes, many engineers are now film makers, IAS officers, musicians, bankers - and what have you. The truth is you can study anything and make a career in a completely separate field. Does engineering provide a solid foundation for life? Pls feel free to share your views & experiences!
From engineering students:
1) If a core job is what you want, you need more than a superficial knowledge of your subject.
Share the hows and whys of falling deeply and madly in love with your branch of engineering. Even if it was not your 'first choice'! Even if the college wasn't the one you always dream of joining
2) Extra curriculars that add value to your CV
3) Think your college is an 'unsung hero'?
An institute that more students should know about? Send us a small write up!
4) 'Why I am doing MTech'
5) Exciting things engineering students are doing.
Whether it's making a racing car, a robot dog or..a computer program to make girls fall for you (just kidding). If you've done anything worth trumpeting, let us know.
6) Small tidbits about engineering college & hostel life
7) And yeah, some boring but 'most wanted' tips on how to crack various engg entrance exams. Just share what worked for you.
The above is an indicative list. If any of the topics touches a chord (or you have a topic apart from this you'd like to write on) drop me a line at rashmi_b at yahoo.com
You can either:
* Write the article yourself (ideally)
* Answer a short q'nnaire by email
You will get credits and a copy of the book when it comes out :)
Lastly, if any of you is 'in between jobs' or just has a bit of time on their hands - I have a small (miserably paid but v meaningful) assignment for you. Can be done from any location in India as it's mainly online based.
Will send details to those who are specifically interested.
Phew. That was quite a long list of requests. Kya karoon. Yeh kaam bahut zaroori hai, aur main ise akele nahin kar sakti.
I know, as always, you folks will chip in and make it possible! Thank you, thank you, thank you!