Yet, I picked up this book. Because Rujuta is someone I am intrigued by. She is a dietician and fitness expert with a difference.
Rujuta was Anil Ambani's personal trainer at one time, and then of course went on to become even more famous. As the nutritionist who helped Kareena Kapoor her 'size zero figure'.
The intriguing bit is not Kareena losing weight (after all, she in an actress. Actresses will go to any length and on any diet to do such things :)
No, the interesting bit was the many interviews Kareena gave proclaiming that she did not go on a 30 day diet of lettuce leaves and lauki juice. This babe claimed she was eating... And could we be hearing right? Eating parathas!
So yes, the book heavily leans on the 'Kareena Kapoor' connection with both a foreword and a blurb on the cover which reads:
"Rujuta has changed not just my body but my mind and soul. She is the best thing to have happened to my life."
But the truth is, once you read the first five pages you know this book packs its own punch.You forget about Kareena (she is a character who appears now and then but so do many other clients).
Page by page, chapter by chapter Rujuta explains how practically everything we have accepted as the gospel truth when it comes to dieting is wrong. Let's start with this simple thought:
"There is no such thing as going 'on or 'off' your diet. Eating correctly is a lifelong commitment, and the diet should be a reflection of this."
And what works is the way Rujuta gets her point across. Totally candid, down to earth, bindaas. Sample this (pg 25):
"Where is the bravery in losing weight? People with diarrhoea lose weight. So do people with jaundice, malaria, TB, not to mention cancer and AIDS."
Or this:
"Why do we pay so little attention to our stomachs? Is it because it never attacks us?"
She goes on to discuss the ad on TV where the son-in-law dabaos everything that is cooked for him and the clients whose burp gives away everything they have lying undigested in there. And she tops it up with the comment: "Some wise person rightly said why fart and waste, when you can burp and taste?"
Hmm. Some readers may find that disgusting. But the thing is, in the context of the subject she is writing about it all makes perfect sense. And although her style may be very conversational at no point will you doubt the wealth of knowledge and insight she has on everything she is talking about.
There is just enough 'technical stuff' - on carbs, proteins, vitamins and transfats - to make a serious point. But everything she advises is easy to understand and implement.
"Love and respect your body"
"Everything is ok in moderation"
"Think of nutrients, not calories"

Well, I could go on and on but I will leave it to you to pick up the book and find out for yourself. Incidentally, 'Don't lose your mind, lose your weight' is currently a # 1 bestseller @ Crossword.
Accha hai, it is a book that will shape so many minds, so many bodies... Spread so much love and happiness!
Don't lose your mind, lose your weight is published by Random House India.
Rs 199/-