For those who wanted to buy the book online in India, head to Bookcurry (not related to Youth Curry! But an entrepreneurial venture from a recent IIMA grad).
Stay Hungry will also soon be on rediff books and amazon.
Lastly, thanks to so many of you for writing in to point out that 'Stay Hungry Stay Foolish' is a phrase used by Steve Jobs in his commencement address @ Stanford a couple of years ago. I know that. That's WHY I used it as the title. It captured the spirit of the book so well!
And I have acknowledged the source of the inspiration in the 'Author's Note' which precedes the book.
If Steve Jobs has an issue I am sure he will get in touch :)
And honestly it would be a top-of-the-world day for me, as he is someone I have looked up to and admired from way back. When I was in college I read Odyssey: From Pepsi to Apple where Jobs said to John Sculley: "Do you want to spend the rest of your life selling sugared water, or do you want a chance to change the world."
This phrase stuck in my head and it has been an inspiration, a guiding light in my life. Through stormy periods, through low periods, the times when you wonder:"Is the rough road really worth it?" I don't know about 'changing the world' but certainly I have not gone down the sugared water route and focussed more on giving, and growing than 'getting for myself'.
Anyhow. I will keep you updated on Stay Hungry from time to time but for now, time to get back to regular blogging... So much I want to write!