Thursday, August 14, 2008

I want you to want me

HT reports: Niketa Mehta, who had approached the Bombay High Court for aborting her first child due to a heart anomaly in the foetus, on Thursday said she had a miscarriage.

When I read the news in the morning paper, I felt this is no coincidence. The debate on whether the Mehtas were entitled to abort or not is not something I wish to get into. But after the court ruled against the abortion, the only question I had was, "How will it feel to be this child?"

Given the media circus around the issue, at some stage he or she would have come to know that 'my parents wanted to end my life before I came into this world'.

After the court verdict Niketa said: "I didn't want a nationwide discussion on abortion laws. I wanted a decision on my abortion. But now I will try to be happy and bring my child to this world.”

I do not doubt the parents would have loved this child had he/ she been born but I think somewhere the foetus could sense what was going on. That it was, in a sense, an 'unwanted child'.

So one might blame the stress of the case for the miscarriage, but I think there was Divine intervention. As the father said,"If not the court, at least God was on our side."

And the child's side.

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