If you've completed class 12 in India and gone on to do your undergrad education in the US, read on. I'd like you to share advice/ experiences which might help prospective students. This is for a feature in JAM magazine's forthcoming issue.
Some of the Qs we're seeking to answer:
- Ivy League colleges have long offered need-blind admission. How hard is it, though, as a foreign student? And are some Ivy League colleges more receptive to foreign students than others?
- Are there colleges outside the Ivy League which offer need-blind admissions/ merit scholarships for undergrad studies to foreign students? Mount Holyoke used to be one such college. A couple of my friends studied there - but that was a while ago.
- Assume you take a loan for undergrad studies in the US. What's the likelihood of your getting a job there in order to recover your investment?
You could share any fundas you have in 200-300 words. More is always welcome, of course. Email rashmi_b@yahoo.com.