Thursday, December 07, 2006

JAM Engineering Survey - Topics for Write ups

Thanks to all those who sent in write ups on their respective branches. All six of you. Yes, we still have a very long way to go. We need write ups for the following branches:

- Aerospace Engineering
- Agricultural Engineering
- Architectural Engineering
- Automotive Engineering
- Ceramic Engineering
- Civil Engineering
- Computer Engineering (in any college outside Maharashtra)
- Electrical Engineering
- Electronics Engineering
- Electronics and Telecom Environmental Engineering
- Industrial Engineering
- Instrumentation Engineering
- Information Technology
- Manufacturing Engineering
- Marine Engineering
- Materials Engineering
- Mechanical Engineering
- Mining Engineering
- Nuclear Engineering
- Ocean Engineering
- Transportation Engineering
- Petro-chemical engineering

The articles we require are anything from 400-800 words, depending on how much you have to say! Once you express an interest in writing about a particular branch, we'll send you guidelines which give you an idea of the tone and content required.

We'd also like write ups on the following :
- Choosing which IIT to join
- Choosing which NIT to join
- Choosing an offbeat program in an IIT eg 5 year programs/ integrated courses/ humanities etc

Here, we'd like many different people to narrate their experiences and views. As there can be no 'right' answer.

Lastly, we would like write ups from every state on the peculiarities of the admission procedure. And any other things specific to studying engineering in that state.

As always, drop me a line at

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