Saturday, December 17, 2005

ybrid hunger solutions

Dominos India has introduced a 'cheeseburger pizza'. It's kind of ironic because a couple of years ago the burger people - McDonald's - introduced the 'Pizza McPuff'.

Well, I had a taste of the new hybrid pizza and must say it was surprisingly good. I use the word surprise because I'm not a satisfied Dominos customer.

Originally we ordered Dominos because it was the only home delivery pizza available where I live. Now there's a Smoking Joes (which is infinitely better) but I can never recall the number. And so, Dominos wins every time.

Besides, Dominos keeps dropping coupons by your house with this or that offer. And one fine day when you're tired of the maid's cooking but too tired to go out and eat either, you see their flyer with the cheese doing a nach balliye with the toppings and say, 'let's order!'

However 8 times out of 10 I have been unhappy with the pizza when it actually arrives. The base is too thick and elasticky in your mouth. The pizza too bland. Or, exotic sounding but ordinary.

In fact the non-pizza items on the menu have always been more satisfying. The twisty bread, garlic breadstick and most of all the Cinna Stix with Apple Dip.

Mmm ..accha hai
Well, this time was different. The 'cheeseburger pizza' is good. The good thing is I didn't know what I was biting into or I may have had a less objective opinion. A cheeseburger pizza, after all, sounds pretty 'cheesy'.

This pizza has a filling and a topping. The filling reminded me more of pav bhaji than a 'burger' but the overall effect was good. The concept seems to be inspired by our desi stuffed parathas than a burger if you ask me. But 'paratha pizza' may not have sounded that cool.

Of course, I am sure the extra layers of cheese + the burger filling = many, many more calories than regular pizzas. So, plan to have two slices instead of three.

And yeah, do check out their new 'India' website. The steam rising from the pizza featured on the home page is a great idea. Makes you actually want to order now.

But no, I'm trying to shed some weight and so will firmly resist!

One day they'll figure out how to add smell to the cyberequation and then.. well it won't be that easy.


  1. Hey Rashmi, Contact me for the number of Pizza Italian in Vashi. Its not only half the price of Dominos but the pizzas are awesome and I even get him to make me a wheat-based one :-)

  2. hi rashmi... this is about your previous post... i stay in chennai and due to my TV's limitations dont get CNBC... though would lov it if u could write a post abt the 'Uncovered' IIPM episode... however i do get cnbc awaaz...

  3. If the Smokin' Joes pizza people were smart, they'd read blogs. If they were smarter, they'd give you a year's supply of pizza free and change their number to something that people will remember. In a related thought, pizza companies refuse to deliver to my area of town.

  4. hi rashmi

    I have blogged about my experiences with Domino's here:


  5. Smokin' Joes is the best, definitely! Yes, i too never remember their number. The best option is to call up TimesInfoline, but the prob is i forget that number too! Effect of not eating out too often...

  6. Wow,

    Dev seems to have hit it big time!! If he comes back to this blog, I hope he'll remember the "Aaj ka Mahabharat" we had done in school for Yellow House, in Blore. Dev was the main "sutradhar" -- I am so happy for him. I remember that our play was the most popular that day but was not considered to be a "drama" because it was a "mime" -- only the sutradhar (Dev -- main samay hoon and all....) spoke while the rest of us were acting out. Boy, am I glad to have seen this post from him.


  7. Anonymous8:54 AM

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