Wednesday, December 07, 2005

This is a recruitment ad

I once signed up for Google Adsense but never added the code to my blog. Because I don't think it's gonna fetch me any significant revenues.

But the non-monetary benefits of blogging have been more than sufficient to keep me going. Besides the pleasure writing gives me, it's amazing to see the amount of young creative talent on display. And heartening as well.

Because the first rule of 'wanting to be a writer' is you have to WRITE! Yet, over the last 10 years hundreds of young people have written to me with eir 'inclination' to write for JAM. Very few actually send you any proof of their ability to do so.

Ask 'em to write and send you sample and many say 'give me a topic'. Well, that's the second rule of 'wanting to be a writer' - you gotta find a topic and sell the idea to your editor. Sure, I might give out assignments from time to time but definitely favour those who come to me with *some* thoughts of their own.

If I do all the thinking for you, where's the fun?

And that's why I like bloggers who write to me saying they'd want to contribute to JAM - they have an existing body of work.

Conversely, when a blogger's work impresses me I do not hesitate to ask him/ her -"Dude, can we publish this post?" Aditya, Gaurav, Anantha Narayan and Chanakya are a few of the bloggers whose bylines have graced JAM in recent months.

Going one step further, I have offered assignments to bloggers. Bhavya Khanna covered India Fashion Week 2005 for JAM and did a fantastic job of it. More so because he had no experience - he saw the event with fresh and freaky eyes.

Assignments anyone?
So here's the deal. JAM is not a magazine with a fleet of 26 reporters. We could do with eyes, ears and legs everywhere. But eyes, ears and legs who can write with attitude and flair.

Some of our current requirements include folks who'd like to cover:

a) Rock shows/ rock bands

b) Review music albums (they can be couriered to you)

c) Review movies - this would suit the vela types who can attend preview shows on weekday mornings in south Bombay.

d) Review eating joints

e) Review nightspots

f) Review college festivals

g) Write on tech trends, sports

h) Lastly and most importantly - write humour pieces and even JAM cover stories!

Location: Mumbai, Delhi, Bangalore, Pune in particular but rest of India may apply as well. Phoren based writers? What the heck, we could use great content from anywhere in the world.

OK, so I'm not expecting any one person to do all of this. Just pick and choose what turns you on and where you think you can deliver.

We pay for all published articles + expenses on specific assignments. So there's your chance for some pizza money. And fame, fortune, glory! Nah - that you have already :)

And oh, lastly. Am also looking for a writer who'd like to WORK with JAM full time, based in Mumbai. If you are crazy enough to apply for a job you saw advertised on a blog - you could be just the person we're looking for!

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