Tonight's 10.30 pm bulletin had an excellent story on what NDTV refers to as the "IIM Murder Case".
The channel visited the petrol pump in the interiors of UP where the killing took place. It even got a witness to declare - on camera - the names of the two people who shot Manjunathan. One of them was the petrol pump owner's son, Monu Mittal, as reported earlier.
So for once, bloggers should have no complaints with the "MSM"!
Ironically, the top story - preceding this one - was also about a man dying simply for doing his job. M R Kutty, 36, was a driver working for the Border Road Organisation (BRO) which is building roads in Afghanistan.
The Taliban ain't too pleased about roads reaching their part of the world - so what do they do? Abduct Kutty. The demand: "BRO, return to India, or else". Kutty learnt the cruel meaning of 'or else'.
His decapitated body was found "dumped by the roadside in Delaram, a district in southern Afghanistan's Nimroze Province".
Dangers ahead
There are apparently 290 employees of BRO still in Afghanistan - and work on the Zaranj-Delaram road project must continue...
Should they stick to their jobs or petition the government to be brought home? What would you advise if someone you loved was in such a dilemma?
We all know the answer...
And Manjunathan's father was on his son's case too. "I often pleaded with him that he should give up this job in that part of north India where the border with Nepal and the forest terrain made mafia operation conducive," Shakumugan told The Telegraph.
"But he would not listen," he sobbed, "and he would say he loved Lucknow which gave him his management degree, and that he was ready to give his life for Indian Oil..."
And he did.
Update: Indian Express has front-paged the news this morning. Read the report here.