It's my mistake, and mine alone. Last week I could blame the spell-check. This week, it's my own muddled brain.
In my story for Businessworld's b school issue titled "Faculty Dilemma" I've mentioned that Jim Collins was a 'Distinguished Teacher' at Stanford University before he authored the classic 'In Search of Excellence'.
I have no idea what I was thinking. I mean who doesn't know that Tom Peters authored that book? The only explanantion I can offer is that Jim Collins' books" 'Good to Great' and 'Built to Last' are kind of similar in theme. "Let's identify the x, y and z factors which make companies excellent..."
Sorry, Tom. That is a really lame excuse. Whatever amends are posssible, will be made. The online version has been corrected already.
The PM recently gave a bhaashan about the need for journalists to be more careful with the facts. Well, I humbly agree.
Except to say that even worse than carelessness is deliberate misrepresentation of facts. And on that count at least I plead "not guilty".