Change is life.
Change is growth.
Change is good.
Sometimes, it comes upon us gently, and sometimes with a giant boom-crash-and-bang.
Either way, after the initial chaos, I believe change always leads you to a better and happier place. And it's something to embrace and welcome, to smile and feel good about.
What change am I talking of?
JAM magazine is changing. We are suspending the print publication, to focus all energies on the online space. As well as events and youth research.
The print magazine will - hopefully - come back in a month or two, with a new, improved design, format, content. And most importantly, a better business model.
But, if the online magazine serves its purpose - we won't have to.
Ideally, we could have managed both simultaneously. But, the logistical and financial burden of printing a fortnightly magazine was always upon us.
What point is there when life becomes a compulsory treadmill? You have to get off and get a breath of fresh air, take a walk in the park.
So, walk we will. I don't know the exact place JAM is going or how we get there. But this is where it starts.
Change means shifting out of 51, Kaliandas Udyog Bhavan. It means letting go of people, of physical things and most importantly, 'the way things have always been done'.
There is a lot more I want to say, but I will share it in the days to come.
In the meanwhile, I need the help and support of readers past and present. JAM never made a lot of money (and at this point, there are some debts to fulfil).
What we have earned over 15 years is enormous goodwill.
I seek the services of a couple of crack programmers - students in engineering colleges or recent grads - who can help me implement the online vision. A clean and simple, reader-driven, user-friendly website.
A platform for young people to express their thoughts and showcase their talents.
The original mission of JAM, which we must rediscover.
To become a cult classic, for a new generation. And the next.
P.S. As always, you can email me at rashmi_b at
P.P.S. This blog appears as a matter of public record. We are in the process of personally communicating to subscribers, vendors, advertisers, suppliers, friends and well wishers.
Thank you all for your love and support.