hii dis is xxx...i m frm xaviers..studying in sybmm.. i m looking for placement.. plz let me knw if der r any...i hav sent u my resumare...plz hav a look at it...
This is a real email.
I swear.
I want to meet this kid.
I want to meet her and ask,"What were you thinking?"
Why did you join a mass media course anyways?
Because it sounds cool, better than doing just a B.A.
Because it sounds like you are on a path to 'somewhere' and maybe, in a good year, you might even land a job.
Of course, the poor sod who employs you will wonder "What were you thinking, St Xavier's?"
Can you at least pick people who can read and write English ?
Can you ensure that two years into the course they are aware of basic etiquette when addressing a prospective employer?
Can you drill into their heads that even though there is Google, real journalism is about going out there - on the street, on the beat.
Media schools, can you teach your students that being a journalist means paying attention to details.
Like recording interviews, whenever possible.
Taking care to quote people correctly.
Doing your basic homework and then asking for inputs.
Think, before you send off an email asking an expert to practically do your job for you.
Please revert me back with your ideas... We will appreciate if you write the story along with me.
"What were you thinking, young journalist?"
Ah, but you never knew journalism involved thinking.