Friday, June 26, 2009

Michael Jackson R.I.P.

Michael Jackson is dead. As far as I am concerned, the Michael Jackson I loved died a long time ago. What went on 25th June was just the pale shadow.

What was Michael's problem, you might wonder. He had talent, he had money, he had fame, he had fans. he had 'everything' most of us can only dream about.

The trouble was none of it mattered. Deep down inside, Michael hated himself.

That's why he underwent a zillion surgeries.
That's why he went wacko in many different ways.
That's why he was taking painkillers, on which it is believed he OD'ed.

The kind of pain he had though, could not be killed with any drug. Except love.

Self love.

As another singer who's also gone somewhat cuckoo in recent times once crooned, "Learning to love yourself... is the greatest love of all"!

Remember that! Stand in front of the mirror, look yourself in the eye and say it to yourself:"No matter what - I love you, as you are."

And say a prayer for Michael and the little boy inside him who spent a lifetime looking, for the 'King of Pop', to say those very words.

P.S. You might want to pick up a book called 'You can Heal your Life' by Louise Hay. It will help you look into that mirror... and believe what you're saying!

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