Friday, June 26, 2009

Lift ke side effects

Anyone who's ever worked at Nariman Point knows that the elevators suck. It can easily take you 15-20 minutes to get from the ground floor to the desired point.

Well, the head of a company who has an office in one such building made an interesting observation today. He said and I quote:

"Ever since smoking was banned in public places you can't hang out just outside the office, or in the stairwell, and grab a smoke. You have to walk down and smoke outside the building."

(Not sure if even *that* is allowed but I guess there are fewer chances of getting into trouble)

"Well, the long and short of it is that with the lift situation being what it is, junta is forced to use the stairs. In the process, most smoking types have either lost a helluva lotta weight. Or simply cut down on smoking."

From half a pack a day they're down to 2-3 suttas - at least during working hours.

So in case you're wondering, the ban on smoking in public IS having an impact...

And the next time you cool your heels at Express Towers remember - the humble elevator is also playing its part!

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