Monday, November 24, 2008

Smile please!

While times are tough and some are throwing themselves off buildings, at least one hardy soul out there has retained his sense of humour. The guy who writes 'The Secret Journal of Rakesh Jhunjhunwala.'

Not Rakesh Jhunjhunwala, silly. It's a fake blog. But such a delightful one!

I just hope Rakeshji has retained his sense of humour and laughs along with the rest of us. It's a singular honour you know. How many people have a fake blog dedicated to them, which is actually more interesting than what the real man would write?

Sample (a post by 'Rakesh' on that recently conducted exam named after an animal): If you were to pass this test and get an MBA degree you would end up working for someone rich like Mukesh Ambani or Kumarmangalam Birla. Would you prefer this or be a self employed professional like Abdul Karim Telgi?

And this post on what Barack Obama could learn from Deve Gowda is truly a classic. Don't miss the pains taken to illustrate each point with appropriate pictures!

I guess the brain behind this one is inspired by the Fake Steve Jobs blog. Well, if this one ever unmasks himself I tell ya, he would give the Cyrus Broachas of the world a run for their money!

And how do I know it's a 'he'? Well... I just know. Women don't care about stocks and stock brokers that much and I may add, very very few are able to kick ass when it comes to humour.

Anonymous blogger, I salute thee! And thank ye for sprinkling a li'l bit of sunshine in our financially withered lives!! May your tribe increase :)

And oh, if you ever want to write for JAM magazine, it would be an honour.

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