Saturday, May 05, 2007

JAM Engineering College Ratings - Final Update

UPDATE, MAY 2008: The JAM Engineering Admissions Guide is now out. You can order a copy online at 15% discount from here. It is also available at leading bookshops across India, distributed by IBD.


The survey is done, the book being composed and the website under construction. The fruits of all these efforts should be visible in early June.

Thank you all, for your feedback and participation. And a few final requests. After going through the matter we found some bits of information missing and/ or inadequate. Hence would request write ups on the following.

Overview of engineering education for the following states:
- Himachal
- Uttaranchal
- Chhatisgarh
- Madhya Pradesh
- Goa
- Tamil Nadu
- Karnataka

The last two - we do have write ups - but they don't do justice.

If interested, please email me rashmi_b at and we'll send you guidelines. But, we need the matter in a bit of a hurry - a week at best.

If you can't write but would like to simply share the info you have with us that's ok as well. Drop me a line with your contact no.

A couple of other topics we need short write ups on:
- Unusual courses at IITs
- Coaching Class scene - Kota and others

After Engineering
We'd also like a few paras from some of you who are:
- working in core engineering jobs (civil, chemical etc)
- engineers who went into research
- engineers who went into something completely unrelated

You could give your brief background and share the journey so far, in brief.

Lastly, if anyone has any tips or specific advice for engineering aspirants - even if it's just a para - please send it in. We are including a lot of 'tidbits'.

And yes, those of you who have contributed articles will receive a cheque from us this month. In case you haven't sent your address, pls do so at the earliest!

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