44% of Brazilians read in the bathroom, according to the study; in Saudi Arabia, 10% of respondents do.
More than half of all Indian respondents surf the Web before leaving the house, while less than one-third of Americans or Canadians do.
About 80% of Saudi Arabians pray or meditate before work; in Germany, 3% of respondents do.
- data from a BBDO survey on 'daily rituals' around the world, via PSFK.
Hmmm... wonder what the bathroom reading figure for India might be! I'd like to do a similar study, focussing just on the youth.
Asking stuff like... how many people take their cellphones into the loo. How many skip breakfast, by accident or design. And how many wake up feeling like shit everyday - because of late night TV/ orkut!
Meanwhile, I can feel 'normal', logging in to check my mail and even put up a quick blog post, just before leaving for work. Now that I have a Reliance Netconnect modem, this ritual should rightfully drop out of my day. Except it's a bit of a pain to stare at a laptop screen in broad daylight...