Thursday, April 19, 2007

Quota Chaos

Summer follows winter, June comes after May. These are natural cycles but we have man made ones as well

IIMs declare results before other institutes. Yes, a few do try to force students to make a quick decision, even put down large (non refundable) deposits. But eventually, nature has its way.

Students simply shift to what they perceive is the 'better institute'. Forgoing any time or money already invested.

In this light, it's hard to understand the government asking the IIMs to put their admissions on hold. The new quotas introduced were incremental. Declaring those who've made it from the general / SC/ ST list does not affect anyone.

But delays will lead to chaos for MBA admissions in general.

I also fail to understand why it took the Hon. Supreme Court 9 months to hear the petition. These are constitutional matters and the court must have a busy schedule but the lives of thousands of students are affected!

The next SC hearing is on April 23. If appeals and counter appeals are a must, can the time frame at least be compressed?

The new academic year starts in June. Or will that too be held ransom by Mr Arjun Singh and his government?

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