Thursday, November 16, 2006

JAM Engineering College Survey - III

The ambitious task we undertook of rating 300-400 engineering colleges based primarily on student feedback is well under way.

As I mentioned before, this task can only be satisfactorily completed with your help and support. Over 2000 of you have filled out our questionnaire, several of you have also helped in getting your friends, batchmates, juniors and seniors to do so. The url, once again is

Your college can be included ONLY if we get a minimum of 30 valid responses. So far only about 25 colleges have reached that magic number and about 50 are half way there.

Which is why I am appealing to the rest of you, to help us spread the word. Become a JAM SURVEY EVANGELIST.

What's in it for you? You will get a referral code when you forward our survey to yor class/ department/ college/ company egroup. If at least 10 of those bandas/ bandis fill out the form you will get a T shirt as a token of our appreciation. There is a referral code to help us track this :)

In addition, we are looking for REGIONAL SURVEY CO-ORDINATORS
This will be a paid position and will involve the same work but spread over a much wider list of colleges. ie. You could help us to get the survey completed through your friends/ contacts in all colleges in West Bengal, Andhra Pradesh or Tamil Nadu.

Again, it's more of an online based job but we're looking for folks who pride themselves as networkers. The kind with bulging IM and Orkut lists :)

For either position please email me at My colleague Namrata, who currently eats, sleeps and breathes this project, will send you the necessary details.

Lastly, we are looking for short write ups on the various branches of engineering.

eg What is mechanical, what do you actually study. What did you like/ hate about it. Possibility of joining a core job. Prospect of going abroad/ switching fields. Basically an intro to each branch of engineering from you, who have actually spent time studying the subject. Written in an informal non-Education Times vein.

The articles should be around 500-700 words and could be from current students or graduates, even the older variety. A small sum will be paid to you for each article selected for publication in the book.

But please first email me and get a green signal to begin work. This is to prevent multiple write ups on the same topic.

Please put in your subject line which of the above 3 opportunities you're interested in. More than one is possible but do commit only if you are committed!

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