IIM Ahmedabad is one such institution, which I am lucky to have been part of. As we celebrate our golden jubilee year, it's a time to look back in wonder. To remember and to reflect on the people, the purpose and the principles which made us 'who we are'.
Much can and has been written on this subject, but as they say, a picture can speak a thousand words. Or even ten thousand, when it is a book of pictures as lovingly selected and produced as this one.

I am talking about the IIM Ahmedabad coffee table book, a work of not just art but beauty, joy and eternal spirit.
From the early days of the institute, right to the present time, the book brings to life the campus and its somewhat crazy way of life. The freedom enjoyed by both faculty and students, the many rituals and traditions (such as 'dunking' and 'WAC runs').

I was particularly fascinated by the many rare black and white pictures, including the first convocation, construction of the now-famous red brick campus, and pictures of some of the legendary professors like V L Mote, in their younger days.

Another beautiful thing is that the pictures of campus life were sourced not just from institute archives but from the alumni scattered across India and the rest of the globe. I was surprised to see two pictures of myself - looking young, thin and starry-eyed - which I'd never seen before!
All I can say is, a lot of thought and effort has gone into the making of this book. A team consisting of Prof Rakesh Basant, Prof Monippally, Sunil Handa, Aditi Handa, and Pranay Gupta took a year to put it all together. But the end result is certainly worth the sweat!
The book itself carries the weight of history not-so-lightly. The 150 page volume weighs 1.6 kgs and is printed by Thomson Press on a wonderful, thick paper called 'Natural Evolution'.
In short, it's a book you would want to possess and treasure, whether you have been associated with IIMA as a student or participant, or as an observer and admirer.
You can order your copy online through www.shopnnetwork.com. The site also carries a
range of other wonderful products from the WIMWIAN (the Official IIMA Souvenir Shop on the campus) .
The IIMA Coffee Table book costs Rs 3000 (plus Rs 150 for courier and beautiful, sturdy packing!). It's a limited edition, so place your orders quickly!!
For any further queries email thewimwian@iimahd.ernet.in.