Thursday, April 01, 2010

Launch of my second book: 'Connect the Dots'

Dear Readers

I am delighted to invite you to the launch of my second book 'Connect the Dots' on Saturday, April 3, 2010.

Venue: Crossword, Mithakali, Ahmedabad
Time: 6 pm

'Connect the Dots' is a sequel to 'Stay Hungry Stay Foolish'. It features the inspiring stories of 20 entrepreneurs without an MBA who dared to find their own path.

Four of the entrepreneurs featured in the book will be present.
They are:
1) Kunwer Sachdev, Founder, Su-kam
2) R Sriram, Founder, Crossword bookstore
3) Ganesh Ram, Founder, Veta (Vivekananda English Training Academy)
4) Satyajit Singh, Founder, Shakti Sudha Industries

A second event will be held at Crossword, Baroda on 4th April (Sunday) at 11 am

There will be more events in Mumbai, Pune, Delhi, Bangalore, Chennai and Hyderabad over the next month and I look forward to seeing you at some of them!

Thank you all for your love and support.

Book website and 'where you can buy it' (online, offline) will be updated tomorrow.

'Connect the Dots' is published by Eklavya Foundation and will retail for Rs 150.

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