Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Career question of the week

Q: I am a software engineer working in a product based company in Bangalore for the last 3 years. I want to go for higher studies (M-Tech) but at the same time i cant leave my job. So can you please suggest me some reputed institutes where i can pursue my M-Tech as a part time or by correspondence. My problem is that i need reputed institutes only because i have done my B-Tech with a private engg. college in U.P. and now i want a tag.

Also please tell me the value of that M-Tech in the market. I know i am asking for too much but please suggest. i am confused.

Dear Confused - the best (and only distance learning MTech) I know of and can recommend to you is BITS Pilani. However from what I gather you need the consent and support of your organisation, including a Mentor at your workplace.

Can anyone who's completed this program provide more details? Also info about any other such 'part time MTechs' which have value in the job market.

You can post comments here or drop me a line at rashmi_b at

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