I went to Hypercity today thinking I would pick up a couple of things. Went a bit berserk (vegetables! detergent! icecream!) and emerged with five not-so-light shopping bags.
"Can I take the cart upto level 1?" I asked a guy in uniform near the exit.
"Aapko ricksha lena hai.. chalo main chhod deta hoon," he replied.
We got into the lift, then out, I walked slightly ahead of him - no particular reason. But maybe unconsciously in memsaab mode.
I fiddled in my purse to find change. First I took out a five rupee coin. Then I thought nahin, I have shopped so much. Should give him at least 10 bucks.
He patiently waited for rick to come ahead, carefully arranged my bags and then I got in.
I said, "Thank you" and handed him the note.
He gave a really wide smile and shook his head,"No madam, yeh to maine dekha aapko.. to aa gaya saath mein.. insaaniyat ke naate."
That guy - I don't even know his name - left me humbled.
There are good people everywhere, practicing random acts of kindness. I was feeling a bit low today - he made my day!
May more insaans practice this insaaniyat ka naata. And make the world a more beautiful place.