Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Amity update

In September 2005 AICTE had withdrawn its accreditation to Amity Business School. Amity subsequently filed a petition in the Allahabad High Court contesting the AICTE order.

On June 1 2007, the High Court passed the following judgement:

"We are, therefore, of the considered opinion that the two orders passed by AICTE, namely, dated 17.9.2005 and 28.7.2006 should be set aside and AICTE be directed to decide the matter afresh in accordance with the law."

In plain English, the court has asked AICTE to relook at the matter of accreditation. However, as of today, accreditation has not been restored. There is no mention of AICTE's stand on the issue on their website, and neither has AICTE responded to our queries.

What does this mean for students? Well, it seems likely that Amity Business School would get accredited once again, if it meets the parameters set by AICTE.

Whether or not deemed universities need an AICTE approval is also being hotly debated. Several conflicting court orders have been issued in the recent past on this subject.

If you are wondering whether to join Amity Business School, I would advise you visit the campus, speak to students about the facilities and placements and decide for yourself.

We certainly hope as much money is being poured into making this an institute of excellence, as is being pumped into advertising.

Note: This information re: the High Court judgement was provided by Mr Atul Chauhan, CEO AKC group of companies which runs Amity educational institutes.

The case filed by 6 former students against Amity remains sub judice.

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