Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Backpacking, Indian style

I've heard of firang backpackers selling their Lonely Planets on their way out of India. Some, even as they're down to their last penny. But here's a first on a new species - the 'Indian backpacker'.

According to a report in the Hindustan Times, the 'great Indian backpacker brigade' is slowly making its presence felt in the UK. "The modus operandi is short term working holidays and student visas. Travellers stay at youth hostels and student hostels." But here's the interesting bit, from a source in the travel industry.

"They eat at Bangladeshi restaurants and Gurudwara kitchens and carry small amounts of medicine and expensive sarees from India which are sold in the UK to finance their stay."

Apparently sarees are all the rage in the US and UK. As curtains.

My mom has a cupboard full of 'expensive sarees' which have not seen the light of day for, maybe, 20 years. Anyone who's used the 'selling sarees' strategy to fund a UK trip - please do share the modus operandi!

On an unrelated note I'm not sure how many Indian backpackers carry only a backpack on their trips. It's a little against the Indian tradition of carrying every-possible-item-I-might-ever-need on a foreign trip. Because wahan mehenga hai. Ya phir milega nahin.

Please - share your thoughts and experiences!

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