Saturday, February 25, 2006

The Malcolm Gladwell Blog

Wow! PSFK reports that Malcolm Gladwell now has a blog.

Gladwell is one of my favourite authors and thinkers. Accessing his thoughts and ideas - beyond the New Yorker pieces and books he authors - is obviously going to get readers like me excited. But more than that, I like the fact that he is planning on this being a two-way process.

Writes Gladwell:
In the past year I have often been asked why I don’t have a blog. My answer was always that I write so much, already, that I don’t have time to write anything else. But, as should be obvious, I’ve now changed my mind.

I have come (belatedly) to the conclusion that a blog can be a very valuable supplement to my books and the writing I do for the New Yorker. What I think I’d like to do is to use this forum to elaborate and comment on and correct and amend things that I have already written.

If you look on my website, on the "Blink" page, you’ll see an expanded notes and bibliography, which mostly consists of copies of emails sent to me by readers. Well, I think I’d like to start posting reader comments for everything I write, and this is a perfect place for that.

There are also times when I think I’ve made mistakes, or oversights, and I’d like to use this space to explain myself and set things right.

Every author and writer will have to move towards this line of thought. That readers can and do provide information, insight and even corrections.

That despite a blog being 'unpaid' writing it does add value to one's writing.

And that a blog can be used to 'test market' one's hypotheses or thoughts (until the time it becomes too popular and therefore a direct competition to the mainstream media which pays our bread and butter).

In return, all that an author would ask is that readers provide feedback and criticism in a rational and constructive manner. Whatever the 'provocation' or difference in opinion may be.

Surely that's not asking for too much...

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