Monday, August 01, 2005

Home sweet home

The decision wasn't hard. It wasn't pitter-patter raindrop. The Rain Gods pounded down all night and continue to do so, making it idiotic to venture out. Unless you're an essential service like a doctor or fireman.

So far there is electricity here in Vashi, so the rain is feeling more like a 'reality show'. TV coverage is far better today - there are specific details available. Of what is working, and what is not. Rediff has an update time-stamped 10.30 am on areas to avoid.

The Met dept vindicates itself as the prediction of 'heavy to very heavy rainfall' comes true. There's been 200 mm of rain in Santacruz and 150 mm in Colaba.

Nothing to do but sit and wait it out... And hope things get back to 'normal' soon. Normal is boring but just what the tired Mumbaikar longs for right now!

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