A quick recap of last nite's Indian Idol finale
- Amit Sana sings better
- Abhijeet sings well but looks better and smiles better.
My vote goes to Amit. Maybe, for the first time I will actually bother to send an SMS :)
A few other observations:
* Judge Farah Khan was clearly rooting for Amit Sana - she could have been a little more gracious to the other fella.
* Thank God the final episode did not have BLATANT product promotion eg Mini and Aman Varma eating potato chips. For Godssake!! Product placement works only when it makes 'sense' and not when it's intrusive.
OK, The fact that you can send Hindi SMS via Nokia was plugged but it didn't sound out of context. That's the difference between good and bad product placement!
* I noticed during the breaks some pretty interesting youth oriented advertising. Since I've cribbed a lit about the lack of it just a couple of posts ago I think I should specifically mention the ones that stood out:
- The Kit-Kat spot which shows how you can eat the bar Hollywood style or Bollywood style. Quite cool.
- The Pepsi spot for their new promotion - with Saif playing the bumbling detective. It has at least some of the spark of earlier days though it's not as memorable as 'mera number kab aayega'?
Lastly, this keeping of the suspense for a whole week is a bit of overkill. But I guess it will get the channel the desired ratings.. And that's what finally matters!